The PENCILTOWN crew dives into the comic-making process from beginning to end! They tackle idea generation, scripting, visual thumbnails, colours and more, revealing not just HOW they make comics but WHY they do it this way! Is there one tried and true method?
Nick kicks it all off by asking what is purported to be the silliest of all questions: "Where do your ideas come from?" But will it prove to be the most important question? As they embark on their discussion, are these gentleman entering an enormous sandbox, or an endless kitty litter box? Is lightning any use without the bottle that captures it? What are the most challenging, fun and important parts of the process?
Creators and Works Mentioned:
Carl Jung: Man and His Symbols
Jung and Feminism: Liberating Archetypes
Death of the Author by Roland Barthes
Alan Moore: Writing for Comics
Nick discusses his ideal comic-making experience, and you can find the finished comic here: WE FEED ON CRUMBS OF SHADOW
Art Supplies/Tools:
Penciltown Spotlight:
Nick - Panel Discussions: Design in Sequential Art Storytelling
Sho - Invisible Ink
Music and editing for the podcast provided by Nick Johnson
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